The Belgian fishermen are committed to the fight against waste at sea. Within the framework of the international 'Fishing for litter' project, they take the waste that they collect during fishing on land. Previously, the waste was thrown back into the sea. The fishing fleet is provided with large garbage bags to use on board. When they return to the port, they can leave the garbage bags behind for processing and recycling.
During the official launch of the 'Fishing for litter' project on the quay of Zeebrugge, Belgian fishermen and shipowners were encouraged to actively participate in the project and to bring the waste they catch on land. The goal is that within three years, 100% of the fishermen will participate in the project.
Since 2016, strict procedures have been in place for industrial waste on board ships. The company's own waste must be collected and brought ashore, where it is sorted and processed. The affiliated shipowners pay an annual contribution for this purpose.
The 'Fishing for litter' project wants to go further and tackle the problem of waste at sea. The Flemish fishery reacts positively and hopes for a change in mentality. They want it to be an automatic process to sort out waste that does not belong in the sea and bring it ashore at the end of the sea voyage.